Newest information for
participants of
International Science
«Russian Science Fiction
at the Crossroads of Epochs and Cultures»
conference is organized by the Russian Union of Writers, the Council of Science
Fiction and Adventure Literature and the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State
Lomonosov University.
The Conference
will take place in Moscow State Lomonosov University in March 21—23, 2006!
The latest news: the organizing committee composed the program of the Conference. You can download it from here (doc, in Russian, zip-archive). Please check personal data in this program. If You notice any error, inform the organizing committee immediately.
You can also download:
1st information letter
from the organizing committee (doc)
2nd information letter
from the organizing committee (doc, in Russian)
application blank (doc,
in Russian)
For further information please contact us by e-mail
rf2006 @ (Oksana Dryabina) or by mail: 119992, Leninskiye Gory, MGU,
Humaniyies 1, Faculty of Philology, room 981, Council on Philology.